Wednesday, October 31, 2012

why would you walk when you can run

So as I was saying the last time.. uh time is like gold now. The only other valued commodity in our house may be sleep. But in these thoughts sleep and time ho hand in hand. Lately I have been trying to get out in the mornings and go for runs before I go to work. Flaca has been generous about letting me get out there and I have found a great ten mile loop that I can knock out in about one and a half hour. But I have snuck in an extra mile and now I love my eleven mile loop. Which means soon I'm gonna get greedy and see if I can find a twelve mile loop that I can get in under two hours. If I can pull that off a half marathon before work could be on my plate. Which is awesome in theory BUtt in all practicality it is a totally selfish move because that is two hours in the morning that I am out there while Flaca is at home with Minnie Pearl. So by the time I get home I shower eat and hit tge road to go to work. The easy answer is don't run for so long but this is the perfect weather for it. Also when I'm running this often I am less stressed and just feel overall better. Lately I have been running my fastest ever even with my old man knees creaking and cracking all over the place. Minnie Pearl will be nine weeks old tomorrow. See is the most amazing person in the world. I want to be a better person for her. Well her and Flaca. Gotta get to the bus route ziggy is there for the fifth time this year. If you end up on my route telling everyone you know me will not help you out. It just gives the other bus drivers something to make fun of both of us about. Go find some tricks to show your treats to. Be ghoulish out there kids

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