Thursday, January 6, 2011

Ah, now I don't hardly know her

I am not a face book person. I say this with the same arrogance of the people whom you get stuck talking to at parties that go on and on about not watching TV. They obviously are not watching my reaction either because if they were they would see that my eyes have rolled in circles and I have started looking for my exit. I’m sure people do the same thing when I say I’m not part of the social network. It’s no because I think I’m too cool for it, because anyone that knows me has figured out that I am the biggest nerd out there. It’s more that I’m an avoider for the most part. I like running into people out of the blue. I like that first few minutes when you bump into each other and both people are scrambling trying to remember the last thing that you both had in common. It is almost always great because the person always says something like “what’s new” This comes from a person that I haven’t seen in 5 + years. Usually I just respond “a lot” go silent and wait for “so have you talked to so and so who we both used to be friends with” Which most likely I have not. So I usually respond, “No have you” Then almost always they HAVE!! It shocks me almost every time. The reason this shocks me is because if you have been talking with this person wouldn’t they have mentioned that they talked to me. So my new approach when I see someone from my past will be to ask him or her how his or her day is. What did you do last weekend, any big plans for the weekend? Or I’ll stick to what I do now and try and turn invisible and hope that Blast From The Past does not notice me, then act totally surprised when they say my name.
I’m temporarily back on my bike please don’t run me over angry drivers. We all just want to get home eat some pizza and watch some crappy TV before falling asleep.

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