Sunday, August 26, 2012

things are gonna change i can feel it

Things are getting crazy as we prepare for the arrival of Minnie Pearl. At our last visit to the doctors on Saturday they informed Flaca and I that we might have to schedule for the delivery. SO it looks like Minnie Peatl will now be arriving this Friday or Saturday. That means by next Sunday at this time I may be holding my baby daughter in my arms. I am out of my mind excited. At some point today I will find out this information. Never have I looked forward to a Monday like this. I have been daydreaming of what life will be like. I hope I'm good enough. I hope I can give my little girl everything she will ever want in life. I hope her life is full of happiness and big dreams that I will do whatever it takes to make them come true. This is exactly where I want to be in life. For the first time I don't feel like I'm missing out. I'm optimistic I'm excited. I am going to be a dad. I hope I can do half as good of a job as my pops did be good out there kids. STOP Smoking so many cigarettes. Take it easy with the booze and call your parents.

1 comment:

  1. I am excited for you! What an adventure you're embarking on. The greatest you'll ever know. I'm so happy for you guys. I can't wait to meet her.
