Friday, May 6, 2011

I've got a little lisp, and I've been working on my limp wrist

A while back my wife and I were having a discussion about our imaginary children that we don’t have. For the record we are not currently trying or not trying or whatever it is that people say when they magically find out the wife is pregnant. But anyway while discussing our imaginary children she asked me “what would you do if we had a son and he turned out to be gay” My honest answer to this is I do not care, I mean I would be happy for whatever sexuality they ended up getting excited about. With all the things that people have to deal with I find it insane that gay or straight is still an issue. I would hope that when/if I am lucky enough to have an offspring they are first and foremost born healthy. Then I hope they are mentally stable. Hopefully they are better at school than I am and get a crap load of education and can get great jobs. I hope I do a good enough job raising them that they don’t become alcoholics, junkies, strippers; porn stars or whatever else there is to become of people that are not raised well. She agreed with me and it has never been brought up again (full disclosure this conversation may have happened like a year ago)
The thing that made me think of this is I can’t believe there is still an issue with same sex marriages. How long will it take for people to realize that if two people feel they love each other enough to sign papers that say of I get sick of this person I will go through a whole nightmarish court process to separate. It truly has me baffled. I feel lucky that I have grown up in a city and time where seeing two people of the same sex walking down the street holding hands, playing grab ass, and making out is not a strange sight. I’m glad that I know people who think nothing of it. I know my thoughts are nothing new but it surprises me that this is such an issue. I’m sure our future generations will look back at us and snicker at how small minded and ignorant people were, I think that to myself now.
There are ten minutes left in my workday. Only one week till I go on vacation. I’ll try to make a better effort next week with this thing. I know this week I was very self-indulgent.
See y’all next week give your moms or whatever your version of a mom is a big wet inappropriate kiss from me.

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