Thursday, May 5, 2011

Work it out at the gym to fit my underwear

There are a few things to get out of the way today before I get into my daily ramble so that I can ideally stay on track and for once give you something entertaining to read.

  1. The underpants I have on today are total creepers and it is making my workday totally annoying. No matter how many times I go and adjust eventually the leg holes are high on my thigh and the seat feels jammed far up the crack. I have no clue how chicks wear thongs because these are boxer briefs and this is totally uncomfortable. Making it hard to focus. These are going in the garbage tonight.
  2. This is for the guy that seems to go to the bathroom at the same time as me. If you are pushing that hard to make business happen maybe you should think about adding some fiber to your diet. It sounds like your giving birth over there and it is freaking the hell out of me. Dropping a deuce at work is bad enough without being forced to listen to you grunt and groan and make all of the other noises I suggest a salad and maybe fiber one bars.
  3. It goes for the guy at the urinal taking a leak. The big production you are making there is bad. Maybe you need to see about a prostate exam. I’m not sure if those grunts are sweet relief or pain.
  4. No I do not spend that much time in the bathroom these are just annoying things.

Working in an office is awful. My office is filled with crazy characters that you would expect to see in TV shows and Movies. There is a constant battle to figure out who keeps trashing the community kitchen. There are notes, e-mails and large loud group discussions about putting dirt dishes in the sink. Everyone claims they do but the sink is LOADED with dirty disgusting dishes, both microwaves look like a gremlin was just nuked to explosion in them. They even bought those cover to put over your food so your chili does splatter all over but apparently no one knows how to use them, because they are clean as the day they were brought here. The refrigerator smells like a science experiment. You really have to want something out of there to open one of the doors, because as soon as you open the door you are smacked in the face with a stench of meals long ago cook and left in there to terrorize people who don’t know any better. Actually anything we all have to share is disgusting. (Shudder) Moving on.
Actually I have a lot to do today but I wanted to write something. I’m going to start adding fiction on here because hopefully that will be just a little more exciting that my rat race monotony.
Random question. Why does everyone have such a big boner over Will Ferrell and Betty White? I mean I know Will used to be funny like in Old School and stuff like that but now he just seems like an unfunny jerk to me. Being loud doesn’t equal funny. Betty White come on, people expect more. She wasn’t even the funniest Golden Girl.
This was supposed to be focused.
Dang tight underpants, going and ruining everything.

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