Thursday, August 25, 2011

And I think I wanna be a brick layer.

I’m thinking I will not be at work tomorrow so it looks like I will be enjoying an extra long weekend. Monday I have taken the day off to go do my psychological exam for the future job, after that hopefully I will be invited in for the final interview and if that goes well an invite to academy. But I have come to a conclusion that I need to come up with a plan B in case all of this falls to pieces, maybe even a plan C and D also. The question comes down to what do I really want to do for a paycheck. I have been riding the Metra to work lately and that has me wondering what you have to do to become a train conductor. It seems like a pretty sweet job that can’t really be all that hard except maybe that people act like a-holes every once in a while. I know for a fact that I do not want to be a paper pusher for the next thirty to thirty-five years. I’m also not really cut out to do extremely hard manual labor. In fact there was one point that I asked this guy who used to be a pretty good friend of mine to help me get my foot in the door to a manual labor job. He said he would see what he could do but times were slow and he wasn’t sure I could handle the hard work. Then a while later he’s telling me how he helped this guy get a job with him and how he totally screwed him over because the guy he helped get the job left for lunch sold some equipment and tried to score some drugs BECAUSE THE GUY HE HELPED WAS A JUNKIE!! So to recap me a person that may sometimes drink too much can’t handle a manual labor job but a Junkie can be welcomed to a job site with open arms only to sell your expensive equipment to get HIGH in the middle of the day. Yes that was a good judgment of character that one kind of stung. But yeah I need to figure out what I’m going to do if the bottom drops out of the new job I’m going for.

In good news it’s Flaca’s birthday this Sunday so we are going to be out and about celebrating. I ordered her a birthday cake from our favorite bakery ever Dinkle’s over on Lincoln so we will be picking that up on Saturday. I need to think of some cool things to do for her to make sure she has a fun birthday weekend. I’m trying to figure out if we should hang up north where everything is awesome and beautiful or on the south side where there is. ummm…. Well. uhhh maybe I can figure out something up north.

I got to get to work. Have a great weekend and maybe on Tuesday I’ll bore you with the details of my crazy test.

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