Tuesday, August 9, 2011

i've done my time killing days in this town

Yesterday I went in for the polygraph for that job. Shortly after I last posted about how long the process is and that it is driving me crazy I received a call informing that it was time to do phase two of the three phase pre-employment process. It was a great way to go into the weekend full of promise and in an odd twist totally looking forward to Monday. Next up is phase three of the pre employment the psychological exam/screening. If this goes well I will wait to be called in for a final interview, which ideally will lead to me being invited to orientation to prepare me for the actual job. The good thing is I already know that I will be going to do the psychogical at the end of this month. Then there will be up to a four-month wait to find out what happens next. After each step I get a little more nervous though, it’s like the closer I get to the prize the more I fear missing it. What happens if I take the test and they find out I’m some kind of crazy person. During this part of the process there are two ways to find out if you go to the next phase, if you get a phone call it’s a good thing and means you are moving on, if you get a letter in the mail that means you have been dropped and will not be moving forward. So starting in September I will constantly be watching my phone and totally afraid of the mail. But hopefully it works out, but I also realize I have to prepare myself to handle the possible rejection. I need to come up with a Plan B to put in place if this falls through.

In happier news Flaca totally surprised me this weekend and went over to Half Acre Brewery with me for that tour that I have wanted to do for quite a while. It was super fun for me and I now have a new favorite beer that they brew. We arrived really early to avoid missing the cut off again. Poor Flaca had to sit outside with me for an hour and forty-five minutes to make sure we could get in. As we sat/stood/leaned waiting to get in we started talking about we need to make friends with couples or maybe just newer people. The tour was fun but it would have been even better if we could have recruited more people. At least more fun for Flaca,  I was out of my pants excited. I just wish we still knew people who liked to just go out and do stuff. I feel we lost all of our connections during the marathon training days. I want to meet people that are actually interested in the same things I am. Most of my friends just are not interested in doing the same things I am.

Which brings me back to where I started, while going through the process of trying to get this job I have been reflecting back on the person I have been in my life. I think it is safe to say that I am nowhere near being the same lunatic that used to be. In fact now I am super boring now I’d venture to say predictable. Beige. (shiver) I know that I am changing for the better but man what will I be like in five years. Where will I be? If I am still here at this job that means things have either gotten a hell of a lot better or I have just given up or maybe they are paying me big bucks. I'm gonna go with I have given up and no one will hire my uneducated ass 

Today is taking too long. I’m in my post happiness hangover and I need to figure out a great reasonable gift to give my wife for her birthday at the end of the month.
Did I mention she has like the whole week off and is just out there doing all these chores so that when the weekend comes we can just chillax in between Gay birthday parties at Spin and possible visits to 2nd City and Twin Anchors.

Yes it sure is a rough life I live over here.

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