Friday, August 5, 2011

when your loved by someone your never rejected

Once again Flaca saved the day by suggesting that I go on MapQuest and get a visual of what the route would be for the facility that I had to go to take my second physical. Reluctantly I did follow her advice and found there were two ways to get there. Early Wednesday morning I left the house to give myself plenty of time to arrive there. I took out our GPS thingy and it would not turn on. I drove out of our parking garage pulled over on Irving Park and again tried to turn it on. After a few minutes I finally saw that gosh darned thing was broken. A moment of panic started to creep in then I remembered the little map I had studied the night before and realized I knew how to get there after all. For the gazillionth time my lovely wife pulled my ass out of the ringer with her planning skills. The test was easy and I think I may have run faster than anyone that was there that day. I’m curious if they write down the finish time or if that part is just pass-fail too. After that awesome time I went over to the D.M.V. over by der on Elston and for the first time EVER in my life changed my address from my parents house to a new address. The thing that I think is funny is I updated to my in-laws address. The next time I change it will be when I move in to my very first house. (coming spring 2012)

I have been in a little bit of a funk since I finished the test because now I have to wait around again to find out when I move to the next phase. I have at least four more steps to take; polygraph, psychological, (if I don’t bomb those and get disqualified) Final interview then hopefully call for Orientation. So at least six more months of this already long process. I hope I get this job because I think there is a lot of room for advancement, I also hope that if I do get it I don’t regret ever trying to get the job in the first place. But for my non-college educated ass this is my opportunity to put some plans into action. I’m definitely planning on working on a few things if the job comes through.

Switching gears. I was talking with my wife and we were talking about how weird I can be, or I do opposite of what I’m supposed to do. Here are some examples. If we go to a steakhouse I get a salad, if we go to a place that specializes in burgers I’ll get a hotdog, we go to a rib place I’ll get chicken fingers. EVERYTIME!! My wife says this is one of the things she loves about me. The salad at the steak place is my biggest offense to date.

As you may have figured out I think my wife is pretty amazing. I try and tell her all the time but sometimes I wonder if she thinks I’m just saying the words. She is truly my biggest fan, supporter, conspirator, and partner in crime and general mess cleaner upper. If I came up with a crazy idea saying that I thought I could fly by running really fast and flapping my arms she would say”yes you can do that BUT maybe you should  (fill in blank here) until you catch some air”. I’m thankful every single day of my life that somehow our paths crossed the old fashioned way in a dark smoke filled bar on Lincoln.

Oh and to complete this random thing I was talking to a co-worker that thinks Burger King’s fries are better than McDonalds. To quote another co-worker “Hell’s to the No” The burgers from Burger King are better but the fries suck in that oil they use
BUT we agreed that the best fries are from Portillo’s . Perhaps with some queso

Do something different. Have a make out party with someone.

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