Wednesday, August 31, 2011

try to run try to hide try to keep it inside

Staying with my in-laws has been ok so far; there have even been a few good points. As I may have mentioned before there is always some kind of homemade something to eat AND there is always some kind of dessert option around. Which is a heaven send to Flaca and me because we LOVE our deserts and there is usually a good option for either of our tastes. As I drove to pick up my free Gyro yesterday I observed another difference between the north side of Chicago and the south side of Chicago. On the north side you can’t go more than three blocks without seeing a taqueria of some sort, but on the south side you can’t go more than three blocks without seeing a pizzeria. This little six-month experiment may not be so bad after all. I LOVE pizza and it appears that there will be plenty of places for me to try before we vacate the area. I am also starting to enjoy exploring the surrounding areas. It will be cool to find little cool places around there. Don’t be fooled for a second I am not falling in love with the south it will just hopefully be a nice winter fling before I get back north to my true love the Northside.

Another cool thing is my in-laws have a dog that hangs out in the kitchen for the most part. Yesterday Flaca went out with one of her friends so I decided to grab dinner and chill at home. Before I really realized it I was talking with the dog as I ate dinner and he sat waiting to see if I would drop him some scraps. He also hangs out when I make my lunches waiting for to maybe “accidentally” drop him a bite or something. I forgot how awesome it is to have a dog. I haven’t had one in so long and now I am positive when we move back up north I’m going to want to get a dog of our own. This dog is kind of old so it’s not like he can go for walks or anything but he is cool for chilling out and watching TV and hanging out in the yard. Now that I think about it maybe he can go for walks, I don’t know, but that would be pretty cool.

Well I have to get back to pretending to work. Only seventy-five minutes left. WooF !!

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