Wednesday, August 10, 2011

the color of your skin don't matter to me, as long as we can live in harmony

As you may have picked up if you stop by here regularly I ride my bike pretty much everywhere. At least eighty five percent of my commuting is via bicycle. Chicago is a beautiful bicycle friendly city for the most part. The roads are flat and you have to try pretty hard to find a hill too challenging. We have a Mayor who is installing bike lanes that seem to be a bit of a nuisance. For weeks I have been thinking that the city should save it’s money they are spending on these super excessive bike lanes and fix the streets that are in a sad state of repairs. If the city fixed the streets and repainted the already existing bike lanes then life would be fine and dandy. Well I think my views may have changed. Recently I have been hearing/seeing more vehicle and bicycle accidents that have resulted in the cyclist involved in the accident either being severely injured and in one recent case dying. Most recently yesterday as I rode down Wells over in Old Town I saw a group of people standing around a cyclist laying on the ground writhing around in pain obviously the result of a car to pedestrian accident. The rage that automobile drivers take out on cyclist is insane. I feel it ramping up even more as summer comes to an end. I’m not saying that there is not cyclist out there that are dangerous and annoying but people need to learn to share the streets.
Lately harassment from cars has been excessive again, with such threats as honking, tailgating my tire, screaming out the windows and acting like the driver is going to swerve at me. I’m really not sure how this is acceptable behavior. I’m not sure that people realize that they are 100 x bigger than I am when they are in their cars barreling toward me. For those of you who drive regularly or irregularly please give bicycle riders a brake. Imagine that you know that person who is pedaling their Asses off. Imagine how bad you would feel if something happened to someone you loved because a car driver wasn’t paying attention. Please relax out there, if not for the cyclist that is weaving in and out of traffic blowing through red lights do it for me. The wimpy cyclists y’all know and love. Seeing and hearing of these accidents has me on edge and pissed off at the jerk ass drivers.

(Steps down from soap box)

So I don’t watch Glee but I do watch the Glee Project, or should I say I USED to watch it. For anyone who is currently watching it but missed last week averts your eyes, they cut HANNAH really. That is bullshit man. I will not watch that show with he same enthusiasm anymore. If at all, the integrity of that competition has been compromised and I’m not sure I can take anymore of their shenanigans. Hannah was the best person on that show and now all that is left is the dick holes that I hate. O well.

Got to get back to work. Oh but have you ever wanted to tell the chick in the office that acts like a bitch all day to just shut the fuck up. Yeah me too, I don’t know who that coos thinks she’s talking too.

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