Thursday, April 28, 2011

'Butt Pie' is a sequel to the bestseller 'Butt Cake.'

I ate lunch with some of my co-workers today. We were trying to go and eat off the Gaztro-Wagon that was supposed to be right by my work but we missed it. Somehow it was there for twenty minutes. By the time we got there at 12:30 there was no sign that the truck was ever there. So as we all stood shivering outside we decided to go and just grab something to eat at the tall building that was right there. I allowed myself to get excited again because the cafeteria of this building is like a food court in that there is like 8 different kinds of food you can get. I knew that I was going to get the taco salad in the edible bowl. Well we walked in and most of the selections were shut down, there was a brief moment where I thought the whole cafeteria was shut down. I decided that I would walk over to a place and get a freaky fast sub and then meet people back in the dining area. I got my sub freakily fast and walked back and met up with my co-workers. My sub kind of sucked. But as we sat BS the subject came up regarding how people do not believe I am a poor eater since all they ever see is me eating my stuff brought from home; fruits, vegetables, sandwiches you know stuff you bring from home. People thought I never eat junk food. If I had been drinking something I would have surely squirted it out of my nose.
Somehow I have tricked every single person I work with that I eat smart, what they do not know is when I am out of work I go crazy. But it was cool to hear that they think I’m this super healthy person. I won’t go into too much detail since I just talked about this yesterday but the exact opposite is true. I LOVE bad food.
I think I am going to try and make dinner tonight. Nothing super fancies just an attempt at making food. I have made it this far in my life never learning to cook.  Of course I have made Ramen Noodles, prepared microwave meals maybe here and there started the water boiling for the pasta noodles but I have never truly cooked a meal. I have kind of helped get stuff ready but most of the time I’m just a visitor in the kitchen. It’s not even that I’m one of those macho men that feel cooking is woman’s work, I just never learned. My job has always been doing some prep work and then come in and do the clean up. I need to start trying to cook, my brother is a big experimental cook, and my wife is the same watching shows and finding recipes in books. I’m sure she wouldn’t mind being the one that sits on the couch once in a while.
Oh and it’s cold out there. On the way home from work last night I destroyed my rain pants that I have been wearing which keep me kind of warm. But last night the pants finally tore beyond repair. This morning as I rode to work my legs was FROZEN, but at least there wasn’t any of that rain business. As a cyclist I have to ask my friendly drivers a favor. Please do not get so close to the back of my bike I’m going as fast as my little legs can go, also please to do honk your horn at me. I ride as a commuter we can share the road I am positive of it. I want to get home too and Lincoln is only so wide and as we both know these city streets are torn up.
I think you can tell I have lost focus. I’m hungry again.

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