Friday, April 15, 2011

jerry jerry come to my house. I will give you coke and aspirin

The job that I perform on a daily basis does not take a whole lot of how do I say this umm brains. So this job is perfect for me. It is a fairly easy job; I take information from one-person input it into a system and then report it to another person. Then I take the information from the person I reported it to and send the results back to the person that I originally talked to. The only part that is rough is the fact that all the information is number based. Also I am just one part of a process. The number grabber if you will. Unless something goes wrong then I am the most important part of the process. If my focus was a little better and I wasn’t constantly daydreaming, thinking about what’s for dinner, or trying to figure out what to do with my life I could potentially be good at this job. Next month will make it eight years that I have been with this place. It has been a bumpy ride that has included three moves, a Friday group layoff, and cuts in my pay and benefits plan. At the end of the day I am just happy to have a job, I have tried looking around but no one wants me and I refuse to start over at entry level of another company that will totally just suck. The perk of this place is I like almost everyone I work with. Sometimes when I imagine being somewhere else I can’t imagine not hanging out with these knuckleheads for the nine and ten hour days that we put in. Don’t get me wrong if a better opportunity comes my way I will jump at it. I am still in the waiting process for that other thing. But I refuse to talk about it too much for fear of jinxing it.
So today I am thinking of things I would like to accomplish. The simple things that would just go in my make people jealous at parties type things.
The fist thing is I want to be one of those people that say you are watching WTTW Channel 11 Window to the World Chicago, or whatever it is they say in that commercial now. Number two I want to be on Check Please! How cool would that be to sit at the table with Alpena and two other locals talking about my favorite thing EATING?
Third I also think I want to try doing a Yoga/Pilate class, I need help with my stretching I know it sounds ridiculous but I very rarely stretch and with the amount of running and cycling I do I’m tightly wound. But I don’t want to drop a lot of cash on this endeavor (me and my yuppie exercises) Fourth and the one I can see myself accomplishing soon is I think I’m going to buy that new bike this weekend. My old one is too old and it’s making me sore. I have put up with it for two years but I can’t take it anymore. Plus I don’t want to take public transport to work, I love that I ride my bike every single day. If you can do it I suggest it to all.
Have a great weekend. I heard that Screeching Weasel Fest thing that I was crying about has been cancelled in the month of May. I guess that SXSW thing really threw a monkey wrench into all that. (Shrugs) Guess I was crying in my beer over nothing after all.
I wonder if they take applications for Check Please online,
Must Run. Two Tahs!

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