Tuesday, April 12, 2011

good morning heart ache, your like an old friend come and see me again

Work has been ass kicking busy. Not Kick ass busy butt kicking me in the ass busy. The thing I have wanted to talk about in my little corner of the web is heartache. It is probably the most powerful of the emotions. Yes I’m sure love is up there and has a power all to it’s own but if you have ever felt the ache to your very corners of your heart then you know what I’m talking about. If you have ever been properly smashed to pieces I’m sure you have your very own heartache story that every once in a while you take out of you’re hiding spot and just examine the hell out of it. You polish it you let it roll around in your hands you probably let the tears well up in your eyes, sometimes you’ll dress it up and make it into a whole different piece of misery. When you’re done with it you brush it off put it back away in the box and hide it like your very own treasure. That is why I feel like it is way stronger than love. With love you carry it around you splash it in people’s faces. You make people sick to their stomachs as you go on and on about your happiness. But with misery a great story of how your heart was broke into a million pieces you have something special there. You have stories to compare with he other broken hearted people, even though you know that they have no clue how bad it truly aches. A good heartbreak will hang out with you and justify a pretty intense drinking binge. A true case of misery will make people nervous around you. The thing is if it is true heartache you’ll always carry it around with you. Even in times of extreme happiness it will always be there, just waiting for the proper time to rear its ugly/beautiful head.
There’s a reason there are so many songs, poems and movies about it. Sure there are love versions of these songs, but when is the last time you stayed up a bit too late because a love song was totally talking to you. Ahh beautiful misery, it builds character it changes the way you make decisions. Powerful stuff. I have to get back to work; I’m gearing up to go on vacation next month for about half the month. So I’ll be working my balls off these next few weeks.
Have a great week kids, go out and find your next heartache who knows what she’ll inspire you to do.

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