Tuesday, April 5, 2011

so I creep yeah, I creep

so there is this guy I work with in my office that scares the crap out of me. Ever since the first day he came into the office I have been creeped out by him. He is a nice enough guy but something about him has always rubbed me the wrong way. He used to sit in the proximity of my cube and every once in a while I would get the chills as he would tells his stories of misery. There were times when he would ask me for help and before I knew it I was getting aggressive and mad and basically talking down to him. Each time afterward I would feel miserable and try to convince myself that the next time I would take my time and be more patient with him. But then he’d ask me something or I’d ask him to work on something and before I knew it I was red faced and doing that low yell condescending thing again. Leading people to refer to me as Major Payne like Damon Wayans in that movie. Which is kind of a dig at how dory when I would go from zero to Mad is less than 15 seconds
The thing is I have had patience for anyone else in the office. People that asked the same question over and over again, screwed up work or projects that I was working on, basically the same thing this guys did. Of course people did not hesitate to point this out to me. The crazy thing about working with the same weirdo’s for any stretch of time you generally get good at pointing out each others quirks.
The thing is this guy is broken; his life is literally in shambles. He is going through a horrible divorce; he has lost custody of his kid, and briefly had to move back in with one of his parents. He luckily found a studio at some divorcee apartment complex but this leads him to being broke like a week ahead of payday. But his life never gets better; something else is always falling apart for him. He tries to walk around and be happy go lucky but every once in a while you can see that life has just really swung back and kicked him in the balls. He tries to make friends here but everyone keeps him at a big distance. There was a time before he was hired on full time that people were campaigning for him to be let go. I disagreed and asked that he get to keep the job here. I was afraid that losing this job would be the thing that finally breaks him. If he lost this job he would be on the news, either as a person that “fell” in front of a train or car, or that “accidentally” killed himself or worse yet he would be the guy that comes back to the office looking to even the score. If that is the scenario then I would be scared because I’m sure I’m the one he would look for. So I have tried to be nice which usually ends with me just getting frustrated and sad for the guy. Sometimes he gets that look in his eye and you have to wonder is to day the day he’s totally going to go crazy. All I can say is I hoper not, I hope his life evens out and things turn the corner for him and he is one day able to look back at these days as his dark days.
I don’t have it in me to be his work buddy, but each day I say I’m going to be nice to him. Most times that means not saying anything to him at all, sometimes it’s just a hello. But then I’ll negate all that by saying something mean to him. Are there people that just bring out the worst in those around them? I don’t know, this guy does it to me, mostly because I’m scared of him, mostly because he seems to be an example of a series of REALLY bad decisions. I’m sure I’ll talk about him as this thing progresses, this is just more of an introduction into creepy guy I work with, and if I remember in the future his name will be C. G. Creepy Guy.
I spend a lot of time judging other people; I really wonder what people think of me. I’m sure I’m better off not knowing.

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