Monday, July 25, 2011

Has he thoughts within his head?

The weekend went by and quite a fast pace. We did phase two of the move of the next big chunk of our stuff into storage and I have to say the wife was the all star of the second round. She busted her ass all day Friday and well into Friday night packing up all of the random stuff we have gathered over the two glorious years we have lived in the condo. Being the lazy bum I am I slept a lot, partly due to the fact that my allergies have gone haywire and partly because I am a lazy sack of turtle poop. Saturday we went over and grabbed the Caravan from my parents and carted all the stuff to public storage. It went surprisingly well and we finished a head of schedule. We stopped by the in-laws house and I took a two-hour nap. I was awoken to the surprise of a beef sandwich from Pops and a healthy order of fries. My M.I.L. also took my wife over to get her oil changed and let me catch some ZZZ. We found our way back to the north side and spent a little quality time with my parents. I was getting sleepy again so we made our wayback to our condo. Where I slept for like forteen hours straight.
The condo looks strange now with nothing on the walls and some of our furniture missing. To most people they probably would not be able to tell but you can see the place clearing out. As I may have mentioned I want to have the big move done well before my wife’s birthday. I need to figure out a good gift for her, I have really been dropping the ball on the gifts lately. She on the other hand has been hitting homeruns with every gift she gives me. So for the next three weeks I’m really going to try and figure out something cool for her.
In other news I have a new obsession, yesterday we watched a replay of the Iron Man Triathlon, which I have to say is mind boggling amazing to me. We watched every minute of the DVR’d program like most dudes probably watch baseball and football games. Listening to the voiceover tell the stories of the participants had me floored. I totally dug the fact that there is the pro’s division and then the everybody else division. When we were finished watching it I told my wife I think I want to do it, then today as I was swearing at my monitor and wondering why I am where I am today the idea snuck up on me again. I want to compete in the Iron Man Triathlon. There is a half and a whole of course I want to do the whole. I’m not sure how I’m going to go about doing to because it seems very expensive. But the benefits are undeniable, plus it’s a freaking Iron Man. I am dreaming of putting it together, maybe I can even document it and see if I can get some kind of sponsorship to help defer the cost. Who knows maybe I can make a documentary that will rock the socks off of reformed lazy Asses like myself. It could be a sweet story plus it would give me something to do to feel good again. I would need at least a year of training, a camera, ideally sponsorship for equipment and what not, and I would need to find people interested in following my journey. First I need to concentrate on the house buying then maybe this.

I need to talk to my partner in crime. She is the brain of this operation she would be able to help me figure out how to do this up right. Happy Monday kids, do something impossible soon.

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