Friday, July 15, 2011

just can't seem to get it right today

I attempt to be a people pleaser and in the actions of doing this I often disappoint a lot of people. Take today for example there is supposed to be a party for a co-worker/friend of mine after work. I RSVPd yes and have been eagerly anticipating going and having a great time. Then the other day I was reminiscing about how on Mothers day my wife and I sat in the Piggery getting pretty crunked up talking about how cool it would be to go to Pitchfork Music Festival. So time went by and of course I never bought the tickets, then the other day in casual conversation my wife mention Pitchfork and I decided I would get us 3 DAY passes. Umm what about the party I was suppose to go to, the4 one I have been saying hells yeah I’ll be there and high fiving over. Of course now I’m in a spot because I have to tell the people I will not be going to the work party. Which will lead to some ribbing and poking fun at me, but for the most part I think they’ll understand if not the worst thing is I’ll never be invited to another event again. But the idea of people being like “aw man” has me a little bummed.
Then to add to my impulse buy my wife asked me how much I spent getting these last minute tickets, the honest answer just a little over too much. As y’all know we are saving for a house, to do so we are moving in with her parents, so spending the money I did was foolish. The phrase “we will never be able to afford a house” was thrown out. To say the least it crushed me, then today as I was sulk talking to the wife I asked if she wanted me to try and sell the tickets but she said no and it will be fun I just spent more than I should have. I tried to make it better by explaining how I will sock away a lot of money when we live with her P’s. The next line stung as unintentional as it may have been. She brought up the catering debacle from the wedding.
You see when I was supposed to be saving money for our insanely huge catering bill I never did, my inability to save lead to me having to ask my dad for a rather large loan days before our wedding, a balance that we are still paying off to this day. So yeah I’m bummed right now and I hope the weekend is fun. I hope I don’t over spend while exploring new music. Oh did I mention that I only know three of the bands playing and of that I only know like four songs. UGH!
Well I have to go piss a lot of people off I have to deal with annoying work shit and then I have to see if I can keep from being a dark cloud while trying to be out enjoying the weekend.
Did I mention my tire went flat over night? (wahn Waa)
Someday I’ll get it right, I just need to get my impulses under control. See y’all next week only half day in cubville today

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