Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Your baby ain't sweet like mine

My shoulders are up around my ears and my back is killing me, I’m in a constant sate of defensiveness and I think almost every single person in the world is crazy or maybe I am the crazy one. This is going to have to be quick because work is crazy ball smacking crazy. For the passed two days I have been working as hard as I can to get my job done a job that is not all that hard. But it involves money and reporting money and money not ready to be reported and general all over annoying stuff. Why couldn’t I just get an easy job as a drug dealer or fry cook? Cheese!

So here’s where it gets annoying for most people out here who are not I. We are heading to the South side earlier than expected, so the summer of fun will be cut shorter by about eleven days. Moving in with he in-laws is no longer months away it is now a mere twenty-four days in my future. I know right ! This is going to be crazy town USA. I have always been the cheap guy but I’m going to attempt to step up my game and sock away as much money as possible so that we can reach out saving goal and start looking for houses stat. (breath in breath out)

Have I mention that I think I have a giant crush on my wife, I mean fir reels a bonified crush. I feel like I am acting goofy around her lately and am trying to think of things to do to impress her. If I could pull off buying a house in the next twenty days I’m pretty sure that it would be so on. You see my wife is hysterical and many different levels and her summer tan is really kicking her cute levels up into the double digits dare i say triple. She even took me on a date last night. She pulled out all the stops and we even went over to the DD and split a variety of their choicest donuts available at 9:00 pm on a Tuesday night. If I wasn’t such a prude and making sure she wasn’t a player she probably would have gotten lucky. The night went so well that I made it two hours into work today before it started sucking ass again. I’m a lucky fool and am grateful that this cool chick hangs out with this square. Yeah I know awesome right. You can stop making that gagging sign now.

I have to get back to work. I’m not happy about it but I guess at least I have a job right. I’m working on not complaining as much about work.


I need to get out of here.

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