Friday, July 8, 2011

It's just an illusion caused by the world spinning round

Here’s a tip to all the single ladies all the single ladies and the non-single ladies too. You can get away with being a whole lot of crazy if you just do a few simple things. First and this is a must you must be moderately easy on the eye. If this does not come naturally then you should stock up on confidence. The right amount of confidence in a woman automatically can take her from ugly duckling to beautiful Black Swan. As males we are wired to be easy to please and often a small gesture can go a long way. Also we can be manipulated into doing stupid things if you give little treats along the way but I’m getting off topic here. So say you realized that maybe you have left the crazy valve open for too long and your man or future man is starting to act surly an easy fix is to buy him some beer or his favorite alcohol. If you are lucky and he is a non-drinker then get something related to what he is interested in, then without making a big deal give him the gift. He may freak out and start thinking he missed something but just kind of throw a “hey I know I’ve been acting all crazy all week, month, year so I figured you earned this” a little affection will most likely never be turned down either, if it is well you probably messed up big time. Being the forgiving gender we are though you can pretty much get away with whatever you want with little to no repercussions. Unless you’re out banging all sorts of strange then… well you are just a hoe.
But seriously with very little effort even a girl of Sybil type crazy can land and/or keep a good man. Tickets to a concert for a band you know he likes cool good work. Trip to a brewery that makes his beer or a beer that he may like in the future golden. Y’all see where I’m going with this.
Fellas you have no right to be crazy, all you can do is buckle in and hope that things fall in the right place. If you feel the need to be crazy you go and start playing a sport, find a hobby or bottle it up nice and good and hope it never sneaks out.  
I had more focus in the beginning but I must get back to work. I know I always tell y’all to be good out there but this weekend I ask all the ladies to be nice or nicer to their guys and the potential future guys. We are trying our Asses off to impress you enough to…. Heck just be good to your man. Single ladies think outside of the box maybe take a chance on the weirdo he could be that proverbial diamond in the rough or at least a cubic riconia. Summer is fleeting fast and what woman does like a winter project. Right? 
I’m out! My beautiful kind woman is taking me to the Flaming Lips show tonight at the Aragon Ballroom. I haven’t been there in forever.  

Wait a minute!!

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