Friday, July 22, 2011

I Walk With A Limp Like An Old School Pimp Or A Real Og

This morning I woke up super early. At four a.m. my eyes shot open and I decided I would just get up and start the day. I did my darkness shuffle gathering the things I would need for the day and attempting not to wake up the little lady. Everything went off without a hitch and I was on the road to work just before five. I absolutely LOVE Chicago in the hours between 2:45a.m. And 6:00 a.m. I always have. There is something almost sweet about this city in the time between those hours. The streets are not over crowded but they are also not so empty that it is like a ghost town. There is still that low hum of energy around and you can almost feel the city shaking off the night before and getting ready for the next day. I don’t often find myself out at these hours but when I do I am a happy fat little cyclist. Even the busy streets are clear to just ride and take in the scenery. They say that New York is the city that never sleeps well then Chicago must be the city that survives on Disco Naps

So I rode down to work ditched off my work clothes and lunch and rode over to the place I work out at in Chinatown. I was so proud of myself for being on time for the class and just as I was patting myself on the back my tire caught one of those train tracks that are in the ground over there. I kind of slow motion crashed my bike where there was one of those Matrix type moments where if I had just moved my leg a little better I could have probably walked away without a scratch. Luckily I only nicked my big toe and have a little blood blister on my palm. I was in good enough shape to pick my bike up hop on and ride the two blocks to class. If I had changed into my gym shoes like I had planned when I stopped at work my foot would have been fine. But this mini wipeout reminded me why I wear the helmet that makes me look like a gigantic old nerd. I am a clumsy fool and have on at least two occasions wiped out and smashed my helmet on the ground, and looking at the damage to those helmets I would have been in some pretty serious pain.

This weekend is phase two of the relocation to the south side. The beautiful wife and I are going to have a packing party tonight and ideally get as much stuff into storage as possible so that next month we just move the really big stuff. Ideally I’ll have all of the annoying move stuff done so that I can wow my wife with a decent birthday gift. She has been doing great with gift giving and in the last year I have really been dropping the ball.

The day is moving along and I need to get some stuff done. Have a great weekend. Be careful out there and wear the correct gear for whatever activity you are doing.

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