Thursday, March 24, 2011

I am Jack's complete lack of surprise

The place that I work at is not that bad. If I had to compare it to a bodily injury I would have to say it’s a lot like when you bite that inside part of your cheek and find yourself totally surprised that there is not a hole on the other side and you have a slight taste of blood in your mouth. There is that moment of fear and pain where you are not sure how it’s even possible that you did that to yourself. Then for a few days it kind of hurts and is annoying and you complain to anyone who will listen to you about it. Then you kind of sit there for a few days thinking about it and being surprised that you did that to yourself. But then everything is totally fine and you forget about it and you go on with your everyday life until crunch you bite it again and go through the process all over again. Yeah my job is like that. There are moments where everything totally sucks and all I want to just leave and never come back. But then how would I pay for stuff, how would I go on outrageous vacations, how would I even think about buying a house, so I complain about it for a while then I move on. I tend to forget what got me so worked up in the first place. Then something blows up and I’m super surprised or mad or a weird combination of totally unnecessary emotions then I even out. I have a feeling that this is basically what work is. It comes down to how much shit can you shovel until you get mad or how do you deal with a job that constantly punches you in the balls (or whatever the female version of that is).
For me lately it is working out. Last night I did this workout at this place called Kobra Fitness. Normally I would not put the real name of a place in here but this place was super freaking awesome. There’s a live DJ and the guy that leads the class kicked my ass all over the place while doing the Boot Camp class. I literally had to curl up in a ball for a quick minute to regain my composure. I tried the class for free and I am currently debating possibly attempting to do the boot camp once a week for a while. First I need to try that Boxing thing this weekend. But I tell you what that thing last night was so cool I felt like I had walked into a place where they would be holding some kind of Fight Club action. Everyone was cool and left attitudes at the door. This has been the hardest class I have ever done. Which in my speak translates to I’m going to have to go back at least a few times to see how much I like it. We’ll have to see if it’s in the budget. See that’s what keeps me showing up at work.
Tonight I am attending a whiskey class. For real. I am very excited to see what this is all about. Time to learn that there’s more to life that Powers and good old Jameson. Hee Hee

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