Tuesday, March 1, 2011


I am scared shitless of the suburbs. I feel uncomfortable in the far West corners of Chicago. This fear is getting magnified. Last night we went on our first outings to look at houses. We saw two totally amazing houses. The first one was so clean and already had tons of storage; full basement the works, three bedrooms, a decent back yard, and a totally amazing bathroom and a two-car garage a nice kitchen wood floors throughout. The second house was even better; there was 3 bedrooms an awesome kitchen with the cut out that creates a window to the kitchen, a sun porch with fans, a bigger yard and a two-car garage with enough room for extra toys. There was a sweet bar set up in the basement, like unbelievably cool. There was even room for potential workout equipment that could be put there and eventually become a monument to how much I used to love to work out
The thing is it is so far west. In an area that I have no clue about. Which lead to the conversation of if we are going this far out west why not look at the burbs. Insert screeching tires and automatic panic.
The whole ride back I could only think how awesome those two places are. We did a drive by on a place in one of the neighborhoods I want to live in and it looked like a dump. So fear is setting in now. We are going out Wednesday to look at places in my ideal living neighborhoods but I have a sinking feeling that they will not be as move in ready as I need them to be. I need these places to wow us and I have to say I’m not betting on it. Which will lead to a trip out to Le Grange (park), Oak Park, and wherever else in two Saturdays to look at properties, which will most likely knock my socks off, I’m sure.
So why am I scared. Why am I whining? I have never lived more than 10 miles from the house I grew up in. I have always had my neighborhoods to rely on. The furthest I ever lived from my parents was back at my Rogers park apartment. I have contently spent the last 10-12 years living near public transport. I have not owned my own car in over 11 years. Everything I have wanted has been right here or within a bike ride away. Plus the people from the suburbs scare the shits out of me. They are weird, and refer to everything east of Kimball DOWN TOWN!! They take he metra, they Golf, they (ugh)
But as I grow (shudder) I yearn for nicer things. There was a time when a one room studio with a mattress on the floor and a view of my bathroom and Kitchen was all I needed. Now I want more, I want nice stuff; I want to do great things. This is not my own doing either. It’s chicks’ man. My chick. My chick and me potential suburbanites, what the hell. I’m scared kids. The times they are a changing. I may soon not be able to say I’m from Chicago, Chicago proper not some suburb, Heart of Chicago. Well I had a good run. The upside is I will own land. Something I never imagined as a reality. There will be more rambling about this as the hunt goes on. Lets see how it plays out.

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