Wednesday, March 30, 2011

never lose my sense, at least as much I got

Back from a short hiatus, aunt Ina finally decided that she was done sitting in the old folks home trying to remember not to pee on herself and trying to recall who the stout man and woman who visit her are. My ma and dad would stop by and visit her all the time. My ma will tell you that Ina remembered who she was my dad will take a sip of his PBR and say “you live when you live you die when you die” with that glistening in his eye that threatens to let a small tear drop creep down the side of his face. My dad has spouted off this piece of wisdom since I can remember remembering anything. Actually he has taught anyone and me who would listen a few great nuggets but for this case I’ll stick with the “you live when you live, you die when you die”
The last time I saw aunt Ina she happily said hello to my brother and sister asked about our mom and ad were doing, then turned to me and asked how my parents were doing. Apparently she thought I was a friend of my brother and sister. This was my kind of my first view into how the mind of an older person starts to slip, until sometimes they are on and sometimes they can’t remember a damn thing. My dad had to go through it twice. First with his mom, which broke his heart then with his aunt. It was when his mom no longer recognized him that he had to put her in a home. She kept calling the police on him when he would show up in a panic when she would call him frantic saying she needed his help. I know it was hell on him to put her in a home. Oddly two weeks after checking in she checked out. He dealt with it in his way and turned his attention to taking care of his aunt. This weekend he checked out of that nursing home that she has been in for five years. They may finally have a buyer for the house that needs to be completely gutted and built all over. The interested buyer is a friend of my sister’, so I’m sure my dad will still stop by to see if he can help with the repairs. I briefly thought about buying in but I do not have the time, funds or patience to rebuild that house so that it is livable. I am a fancy lad after all.
So yeah, I’m not sad or anything she was old and I’m guessing/hoping that she is finally feeling good after years of deteriorating in a nursing home. Maybe she’s hanging out with her sister smoking More cigarettes and drinking that nasty ass coffee that they always had over at their place in whatever their version of the after life is.
To sum it all up I guess I’m scared shitless of old age and dementia, it seems cruel. Take care kids. Call your older relatives and say hello. They may not know whom you are but at least it will break up the viewing schedule of CBS line up

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