Friday, September 23, 2011

Celebrate our disarray on co dependence day

I am a mess. My whole operating systems are off. Flaca is out of town until tomorrow morning and life is just about as miserable as it gets. You’re probably wondering when did she leave. The answer is yesterday morning before I woke up. I woke up and things were off. All of my conversations have been off for the passed thirty hours. Luckily I was able to commute in with my kind and caring M.I.L. so the ride in wasn’t bad and at work I’m able to keep myself just busy enough but I feel lost. See Flaca and I talk many times via e-mail throughout the day. After a rough day at work she is usually at the train station greeting me with that big gorgeous smile, which is a great sign that the day is over, and the fun can begin. Well yesterday I got to the train station and then had to sit on the train by myself. I had finished the paper during the day so I had no one to talk to. I went and did a workout so that killed some time. The night was terrible.

I ate too late at night and washed it down with a coke. See I can’t drink coke after nine because then I am up all night. So last night I couldn’t sleep couldn’t get comfortable because Flaca was not there to kick my leg over, habit she hates but dang it’s comfortable) When I did sleep I had the most bizarre dreams. But I felt like I was waking up every fifteen minutes. So now I’m tired, crabby and missing my wife.

(Flaca just called to check in. Have I mentioned that I love this chick)?

I’m not a hundred percent sure when I became so dependent on flaca being around non-stop. I just know I’m way happier when she’s around. Luckily she comes back tomorrow early in the morning.

We are celebrating our first anniversary this weekend. The gift I got her so far is weak so I’ll be making a trip to Orland Mall tonight to see if I can get her a little something nicer. We are going to eat dinner at the South Shore Cultural Center tomorrow night so that should be pretty freaking awesome. 

I took Monday off try not and miss me too much. To all you single people I don’t expect you to understand my whining about missing my wife when she’s gone just over twenty-four hours. I will tell you that she is the kind of girl that love songs are written about.

Be good out there. Find someone to adore this weekend. Ladies turn the crazy down for the weekend


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