Monday, September 12, 2011

I used to talk to cab drivers but now I just don't bother

I no longer get carded when I go out. The wrinkles on my forehead are getting deeper and I have the crow’s feet around my eyes. My shaving ritual also now includes spending a fair amount of time trimming and plucking gross hairs out of my nose. I have dark hair growing out of my ears that luckily so far Flaca helps me trim down since I am not coordinated enough to trim it on my own without growing frustrated. My hairline is slowly creeping back and in a recent discovery by Flaca there are sections of my hair that are starting to turn grey. By starting to turn I mean it is obvious that there are big gray sections. I went and shaved off all of my hair again but you can still tell where the gray is taking up residency. Being the good wife that Flaca is she has tried to calm me down about it and comparing me to these big time actors that have gone gray but those actors are in their fifties and I am clocking in at thirty-five. It’s not so much the gray coming in that bothers me it’s the hairline receding from my head and growing out my nostrils and ear canals. They never explained this to me in health class. Well I guess they did tell me that I would notice hair growing where hair was not growing before.

The weekend was pretty fun. On Saturday Flaca and I went to the fest of sorts over at Toyota Park and drank some super awesome beers for a few hours. It was a lot of fun and I hope we can do it again next year. Flaca’s not much of a beer drinker and it an awesome twist of fate she was selected to take part in a beer tasting competition. With a little help from another contestant she won a ten-dollar gift card to a BBQ place so that was cool.  Wee ended up back at her parent’s house and I felt like kids that had broken into the liquor cabinet all drunk off our butts trying to behave. Luckily for us her parents were out for he night so we were able to be a little noisey.

Yesterday I went over by my dad’s to watch the Bears game. It was awesome and I had a whole lot of fun. The weird thing is as I see my dad he doesn’t look like he’s getting older. He looks like the same age he has for the passed ten years. I guess there’s some magic in those PBR and Old Style cans he drinks.

Time to get to the freaking TPS reports. Be good out there kids

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