Friday, September 16, 2011

OH OH, OH OH, OH ain't got no sense, OH OH, OH

My kryptonite is that I have only a twelfth grade education. I spent a little time at a junior college but then I got sucked into the working part of life. The idea that I could attend school where I was paying people to teach me things paled in comparison to making money. In the early days of my post high school years I had different jobs that paid slightly better than working some shit sandwich job in retail or in a food service job. Being the half assed lazy go-getter I was I was always chasing a paycheck. This probably would have been ok if I was better at my money management skills, but as it was I always spent the money as I made it. I mean sure I spent money on frivolous things but there was also always something I wanted. I come from a pretty decent sized family so after the hand me downs stop when I became the oldest I bought most of the stuff I wanted. But I never learned the investment part of money management. I would hide my money away just long enough to buy the $500.00 Jeep that was in it’s last leg or buy some insane amount of compact discs or record that was recently released by whatever my favorite band was at the time. My parents taught me that if I wanted something I would have to pay for it nothing in life was given to me. Which I still think is great to tell you the truth. But getting back to the beginning of this I wish I would have liked school more than just for the social aspects of the whole institution. I wish I had had the ability to sit and pay attention to learn something that could have set me up with a great career. But I didn’t. I know there is no going back and fixing it but they say it’s never too late to go to back to school.

I am looking into this to see that if things shake out the way I want them to I may enroll for classes at a school. Maybe. The only fear I have is running into people who feel they are intellectually superior to me. Which in some cases they probably will be, it’s not really that hard. I’m not a complete idiot or anything but if you read this thing regularly I’m sure it’s painful to read how grammatically horrible it is, and the spelling, DAGS even I have went back and read some of the entries and thought what kind of Mongoloid has written this craziness. I blame a good percentage of it on my horrible typing skills but some of it is just from laziness.

I’m not really sure where I wanted to go with this but I have to end it. Friday is here and that means there is sure to be some kind of adventure with Flaca over the weekend. Also we are nine days away from celebrating our first year anniversary so I guarantee that next week will be filled with ramblings of looking for the perfect gift and way to much raving about how in love with this woman I am.

So y’all have been warned. Now get in the pit AND TRY TO LOVE SOMEONE (duhna duhna duh)

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