Tuesday, June 28, 2011

And when you do them people think that you're cool

This week is going to be hectic, I have a shit ton of work to do and no concentration to get it completed in a reasonable time frame. I’m angling for the five-day weekend, which will cause me to have to bust my tail here for a while. So far they are staying legit with the summer hours so I need to take advantage of that. The weekend is already stocked with action packed adventure. There are a lot of things on the social calendar this weekend, something that doesn’t seem to be happening all that often. But since the Mrs and me are attempting to keep this whole summer of fun thing going we have said yes to every single offer that has come our way. It looks like Friday I will be heading out to Schaumburg or wherever to hit the driving range with my B.I.L. We went last summer and it was a blast, just standing there cranking golf balls with me rambling the whole time about how I’d love to learn how to golf. My B.I.L. listens patiently and always says “yeah you should then we could go real golfing” Who knows maybe someday I’ll commit to a full golf game someday till then it’s mini golf and driving ranges for me. I’m wondering if I could ride my bike out to his house in the morning. I figure if it takes thirty-five minutes in a car uit should take about two and a half hours on bike. (don’t think the brains of the operation will go for that) Maybe I’ll take the train, I just really don’t want to drive and as y’all know I LOVE riding my bike everywhere.
So yeah. Work is going to be a nasty ball puncher so I apologize if this thing is even lamer that what you have grown accustomed to. But I’ll do my best to keep you entertained. Entertained enough to last you through our summer break.
Separate from all this all day I keep having phantom tastes of booze. I have not drank since Saturday but every once in a while I’ll get the taste of booze. Really weird and it’s kind of making me crazy. It’s not like I’m hankering for a drink or anything but this phantom taste has me going crazy. What if I’m sleepwalking again and pouring myself these drinks, you know like how some people eat in their sleep. Nah
Well I’m out of here squares, be good, talk to strangers, say yes more than no, unless it’s to the designer drugs, Then JUST say NO unless….free then um no still say no unless.. ah forget it you know what to do.

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