Tuesday, June 14, 2011

up there dem angels been talking

Last night I had to park the car on the dirty dangerous streets of North Center. The parking garage of the condo I rent will be power washing the spaces today so we had to move the car outdoors. There was a Cub’s game last night so I had to pay attention to where I parked most of the streets around my place become permit only during night games. There was also street cleaning on one side of the main street I live on. Within the four minutes it took me to park the car in a legit spot I was almost in four car accidents. Surprisingly only one of them would have been my fault. It was the near collisions that got me thinking about my luck.
Generally I am not lucky at all; in fact in the gambling world I am what is called a Cooler. For those of you not familiar with the term in gambling parlance, a "cooler" is an unlucky individual whose presence at the tables results in a streak of bad luck for the other players. In fact I was once booed and heckled off a Black Jack  table in Las Vegas because as soon as I sat down everyone strated losing. In fact one person rather annoyed with me said “hey jerk we were all having a lot more fun before you sat down” after a few more jeers I got up and went to another table where people cheering and yelling only to see everyone lose as I stood there watching and waiting to try and get into the game. I left before anyone could figure out it was me that had made the table turn. If I am truly rooting for a sports team and truly want them to win it is a gaurantee that the team will inexplictively lose. I guarantee you had I not come down with a weird flu when the White Sox won the world series they would have lost if I was out at the bars cheering them on. In fact each season the Bears have done alright is mostly because I have not watched but when I do BAM they blow it. No need to blame Cutler you can blame me. I am the real life version of that guy they make stand in the bathroom when they are shooting dice in Bronx Tale.
But sometimes I get just lucky enough. I have had momemts where I know that there has to be someone looking out for me. Last night I was nearly reversed into VERY hard by this car but somehow the car just missed T-Boning me. I’m sure the girl in the other car is still trying to figure out how the accident didn’t occur. I saw people all around with shocked looks that the crash they were expecting did not come. My "just lucky enough" comes in seconds. I always notice it and am totally shocked. I am pleased that for all the bad luck I have have, I am sometimes awarded with those few seconds that help me avoid car accidents, stepping into an injury, I don’t know how else to explain it. I just know that someone is watching out for this little weirdo. I know that at times I keep my gaurdians working overtime cause I am a walking catastrophe waiting to happen.
Good Luck out there kids.

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