Friday, June 10, 2011

you don't know a thing about me

my biggest issue as I get older is people just are not interested in the same things I am. Within the last six years I have increasingly become more and more interested in fitness. Running, cycling, different workouts, and swimming are things I like to hunt out. The kick in the balls is none of my friends are into it. I tried to drag my brother into running two years ago but that was mostly a waste of time. I was hoping we could build our bonds from our youth but it fell flat. He was never able to go on training runs and in all reality didn’t like it as much as I did. Being the jerky older brother I am I really tried to force it on him. He did complete the marathon with me, which was awesome, but afterwards he was done with it. That was such a fun day and I really felt like we were little kids again as we ran the streets of Chicago getting with the goal of finishing. He did and I was so proud of him. But then his running just stopped. He had done the marathon and that was good enough for him. He didn’t catch the same running bug as I did when I first started. But then my running motivation was totally based off something else.
My wife got me into running, when I first started running I hated it but I really liked the girl and figure I could log a few miles here and there if it would help my cause. Well as I started logging miles I started liking it more. Then I did a race and I was hooked, I slowly started smoking less and wanting to run more. Then I realized if I didn’t drink, as much I felt way better when I ran. Soon I realized I loved running races, a 5K here and 10K there slowly building to half and then full marathon. Suddenly I was filling my time running, I was running with future wife, I didn’t know it at the time but I did know that I loved watching her run. We would wake up early in the mornings on weekends and go for ridiculously long runs by the lake. We would be starting our runs as people were still leaving he 4 am bars. A certain sense of smugness would course through my veins as I pounded pavement knowing these jerks would all wake up with hang over and regret. Then one day my wife wiped out while we were out on a run her running season was over. So I started going out by myself and that was ok but it meant leaving her home sometimes for hours at a time. Which totally sucked
So we took swimming lessons, which was cool because I loved it and started working on my technique. But it was winter so the walk back to our tiny apartment was less than fun.
My real issue is none of my friends like the stuff I like. Yes I still like drinking but I can’t drink like I used to. Hell I shouldn’t have drunk like I used to anyway. But that’s another entry or seven all together. None of my friends are active; my idea of fun has changed. I don’t know what point I’m trying to make here. I guess I feel disconnected.
My want to drink is low and my want to be active is high.Well active when I don't want to sit on a couch for seven hours watching tv. I just don’t have the patience to make news friends that as interested in the things I am. I have enough friends. I just don’t feel like I fit in anywhere.Ugh
Have a great weekend kids. Hopefully my gloom and doom will pass soon.

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