Friday, June 3, 2011

Maybe self-improvement isn't the answer.Maybe self-destruction is the answer.

I check the address four or five times and I am positive that the GPS has directed me to the wrong address but the address I have scrawled across the paper clearly says 2147 S. Lumber Street Unit 219. So as I stand outside of the U-Haul storage building I debate hopping back into the car and heading home, but for some reason I change my mind and walk into the building. I make my way to the second floor and walk amongst the storage locker and think I have definitely been pranked by one of my co-workers, that or he is a member of Fight Club and this is how I’m about to find out. Then in a distance I hear what is faintly hear music playing. I walk into Unit 219 and here are people making their way through the end of their 5:30 class. I sit in the back thinking, “yea so this is your basic boot camp been there done that I’m glad this is a free trial”
There is very little time between the ending of the first class and my class that I am taking at 6:30. I find myself nodding to the music the LIVE DJ is playing, I am getting excited, and starting to feel like kind of a badass for being in this factory getting ready to see what this is all about. Within five minutes I am surrounded by Lake Punkerson sweat is streaming out of every pore and the yoga mat that I brought with has turned into my own little slip and slide. I throw it to the side, suddenly I have lost track of time, I look around and I see the cowork that told me about this place with making their way through the workout. Time is moving both fast and slow at the same time; I feel anger and happiness all at the same time. I realize I have left my water bottle too far from me. Some of the exercises I cannot do and it pisses me off, things that seem easy as they are demonstrated become painfully hard. In my head I am screaming, “come ON do IT DO it YOU can DO it” but I lose it I fall back and try to gain my composure. Dewayne does not slow down the whole time; he keeps going, strutting around leading you through this insane workout that never seems to end.
Then the music slows and I’m half stretching half wondering how I’ll get myself down to the car and back home without crashing.
Slowly things clear up and I have energy. A LOT of energy, I feel like a freaking warrior, a hungry warrior. I’m hooked, this guy has a follower. I’ve done boot camps, workouts with friends and at gyms that I have memberships with but this is by far the best experience I have ever had. That was my first experience there.
I ended up going there three or four times paying the as you go rate (foolish looking back at it) but each time I went I liked it that much more Kobra Fitness is by far the coolest most freaking badass workout experience I have ever had in my life. I have tried the cross fits, the spin classes, the other boot camps offered but Dewayne Montgomery of Kobra Fitness by far the most motivating individual I have ever had the terror and joy of working out with.
I have signed up for his ten week Elite training course. If my experience yesterday is any inclination of what I can expect you will definitely see a change in this little fat man you have come to recognize. Yesterdays 90 minutes class had me doing things I never imagined possible. Trying to explain some of the workouts would not do them justice. The guy has skill. As happy as I was that the class was over for the night, on my ride home I found myself thinking next Thursday is a LONG way away. I may have to sign up for another class. I am on a new drug and that drug is Kobra Fitness.
Check out the site I guarantee if you are brave enough to try a class we will soon be suffering through my new addiction together.

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