Thursday, June 2, 2011

Breaking rocks in the HOT sun

Well kids I am going to meet with my background investigator today. It is step three or four leaving six or seven more steps in my goal to get the job. I of course am excited beyond belief and am very hopeful as I move onto the next steps of this very long process. There is a whole lot of waiting to hear if I make it to the next step and I am working on trying to be more patience. I have never had patience; I came up in a generation of get everything right away. You want a quick filling dinner go to any of the ten fast food places in my neighborhood. Want it even quicker pop things in the microwave. Who even mails letters anymore, everyone sends e-mail, or face books or sends out tweets to communicate. Heck I don’t even have to pick up the phone anymore I can send a text saying anything I would have said if I called someone on the phone. Probably one of my favorite advances in technology is texting as far as the get it now information.
But with this job application process it is a lot of waiting around, a lot of going to check the mailbox, a lot of wondering if I’ll make the cut. Another lottery jobs with something like 15,000 applicants with open enrollment; I’m not even sure how many they are actually hiring. I really hope to get this job. It would be a total switch up and I have no clue what I would even be doing. But it would get me away from wasting away at this desk. The really messed up thing is at any point I can be disqualified at any point and no explanation would be offered for what knocked me out of consideration. YIKES! What if I’m too old, What if I caused too much trouble in my days after high school. Sheet!

I gotta run. Hope y’all have a great day. Be nice to someone for no reason today heck I challenge you to do one nice thing a day for the rest of this year. For days that you don’t go outside carry your nice thing to the next day. BUT no doing seven nice things in one day and then being a dick/dicket for the following week.

I sound like a freaking hippy. I hate hippies. I mean I could do without those smelly, stoned, jam band listening to, Phish heads for a while.

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