Thursday, June 9, 2011

Mr. Luther King had a dream. Dreams are where Elmo and Toy Story had a party

I was in such a weird mood this morning I forgot to tell you the weirdest freaking dream I had in whatever time it was that I was asleep. In the dream I was flying the Millennium Falcon. I was really drunk and in a big hurry to get home, but due to my impairment I smashed the thing right into some kind of building. The building was like a combination of a train station, shopping mall, factory, and weird stuff other stuff. As I sat there in the crashed MF I tried to figure out how I would explain to my wife that I had messed up and crashed the MF and we would not be able to use it for our big trip that was coming up. I realized that I had to get out of this thing because if the police showed up I would totally get ticketed for flying under the influence. Which would totally jeopardize me getting that job that I am trying to get and that would totally suck. I got out of the craft and started walking around the building only to come back to the crash scene where police had arrived. There was an even weirder part of me trying to figure out how to convince the authorities that some A-hole had stolen my car and whatnot when I realized I was still drunk. I’m not sure what happened after that but I was walking around a city doing the 900-pound head drunk walk home. Not sure if I was ever ticketed but apparently no one was hurt during the crash of the Millennium Falcon.
The weird thing about me having this dream is I do not really know all that much about Star Wars. In fact I’m not even really all that into it at all. Even as a kid I could have cared less about all of it. I’ve never been a fan of the Sci-Fi at all. The only things that made sense was the walking like my head weighed 900 when drunk, fear of blowing the job I’d like to get, and being horrified of letting my wife down. Weird stuff.
I love how the mind works.
Random weird sleep ender.
Has any band ever done a hard-core cover of the song “I Saw the Sign” by Ace of Base? I was rocking out to it the other day and I though wouldn’t’ it be bad ass to hear a Pantera or some Death metal band that still exist do a cover of it. Also the song Walk by Pantera is totally freaking awesome.
Bet you will never see Ace of Base and Pantera mentioned in the same paragraph any where else

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